
NebraskaThe Nebraska Football team had their first spring practice on Wednesday and so far reports are saying the defense was flying around and the entire group of guys practiced with a lot of energy.  The practice wasn’t as structured as the past practices with Coach Callahan and his staff players said.  They were allowed to get out there, and go balls to the wall and show what they could do.

Phillip Dillard said “The defense is very fast paced and physical defense and that the player really enjoyed it”.  You gotta like that when your linebacker comes out and says the first day of pracice was fast and physical!

There wasn’t too much news on the offensive side of the ball besides that Cody Glenn is 100% healthy heading into spring ball.  He says “It’s my senior season, I just want to get that ring!” If Glenn can stay healthy it would help out the running game a lot.  Glenn did get asked a question abour former running backs coach Randy Jordan, and Glenn repied to it by saying he didn’t fully trust Coach Gordon after being told he would play in some games, and then he just say on the bench never getting into the game.  Sounds like a lot of players felt that way towards the entire last coaching staff.

We will try to have an update after practice today.  GO BIG RED!

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One Response to “Notes from first day of Nebraska football spring practice”

  1. tanner Says:

    its good to know that the defence is doing their job!!!!!!!!!! lets go huskers

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